Dr.-Ing. Michael Beltle received his Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Stuttgart, Germany in 2009 determining degrading effects of electrostatic discharges on microcontrollers in automotive applications and his Dr.-Ing. degree in 2020. He has been an academic researcher at the Institute of Power Transmission and High Voltage Technology, University of Stuttgart, where he was involved in the field of power transformer diagnostics and determined the long-term development of partial discharges and investigates the mechanical vibrations of active parts of transformers. Since 2017 he is head of the University's high voltage laboratory and responsible for the Institute's department of electromagnetic comparability.His current research interests include diagnostic and monitoring of power transformers, HVDC GIS, MV switchgear, development of high-voltage measurement technique and aspects of automotive electromagnetic compatibility focusing on e-mobility and autonomous drives. He is a member of CIGRE where he is involved in different working groups and a member of the German Power Engineering Society VDE-ETG.